Chiara Jacob specializes in national and international civil-commercial arbitration and civil litigation before the Judiciary.
Her practice focuses on advising and sponsoring clients in arbitrations administered by the Lima Chamber of Commerce (CCL), the American Chamber of Commerce of Peru (AMCHAM) and the CARC PUCP. She has experience in arbitrations in the construction, mining, electrical, corporate-commercial sectors, among others.
In addition, Chiara has experience in handling civil law cases and contentious-administrative proceedings before the Judiciary.
She graduated at the top of her class in law school. She is co-author of the Peruvian report for the «Oxford Compendium of National Legal Responses to Covid-19» and of an academic article on procedural law published by the Themis Legal Publishing House.
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) – Bachelor of Law (2024)
Themis Civil Association of the PUCP Law School