Humberto Medrano is a founding member and counselor of the Tax practice area.
During his career he has participated in many of the most relevant cases in the country. He counsels foreign and national clients on the tax regime applicable to operations carried out throughout the country and abroad.
He is an expert in fiscal planning, and assists taxpayers during inspection stages by Tax Administration, as well as related administrative and judicial procedures. He also participates in tax aspects negotiation of concession contracts entered into with the Government and contracts between private companies.
Humberto is author of a number of papers on tax matters, published in several collective works of his expertise, and lectures national and international events. Since 1996, he has been professor of Tax Law at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú – Lawyer (1965)
Lima Bar Association
Peruvian Institute of Tax Law
International Fiscal Association
Honorary Member of the Venezuelan Institute of Tax Law Member of Institute of Human Rights and Taxation
Fellow of the Academia Peruana de Derecho
Honorary member of the Argentine Association of Fiscal Studies