Corporate Compliance
Criminal Litigation
José Luis Medina specializes in criminal litigation related to white collar crime, and corporate compliance.
He has extensive experience in criminal defense of clients both as plaintiffs and defendants in preliminary investigations and criminal processes, as well as in preparing appropriate legal strategies for the protection of client’s rights and interests.
He counsels on the design, review and implementation of crime prevention programs, related to the Asset Laundering Prevention System before the Financial Intelligence Unit (SBS), and prevention models in compliance with Law No. 30424 on corporate liability for corruption and asset laundering crimes.
José Luis was Deputy Prosecutor of the Arequipa Judicial District during the implementation of the new Criminal Procedure Code. He was an advisor to the Senior Management of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, and the High-Level Anti-corruption Commission, where he actively participated in the new Criminal Code project revision (2014), drafting and approval process of new regulations on legal entities liability for corruption and asset laundering crimes (Law N° 30424), and the incorporation of the Peruvian State as full member of the OECD Anti-Bribery Working Group.
He has taught Criminal Law at the Academia de la Magistratura, and the Law School of Universidad Científica del Sur; and in the Criminal Law Master’s Degree of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego, Universidad San Martín de Porres, and Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas.
José Luis authored Eutanasia e imputación objetiva en Derecho penal (Euthanasia and Causation in Criminal Law) (Ara, 2010) and La imputación a la víctima en los delitos de defraudación patrimonial (Imputing the victim in crimes of fraud heritage) (Grijley, 2011), as well as several Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law articles.
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa – Lawyer (2005)
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú – Lawyer major in Criminal Law (2006)
Universidad de Sevilla (España) – Doctoral Studies on Criminal Law
Arequipa Bar Association