Corporate Compliance
Criminal Litigation
José Reaño leads our Economic Criminal Litigation and Corporate Compliance practice areas.
He defends domestic and foreign companies, as well as their shareholders, directors and executives, in criminal litigation related to corporate activity, in connection with charges for financial and property crimes, corporate fraud, tax evasion, labor accidents, environmental pollution, insider trading, copyright infringement, violation of trade secrets, computer crimes, corporate corruption, among others. In addition, he provides advice in the conduct of internal corporate investigations, in the design and implementation of Crime Prevention Models and Systems for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. He also advises on the analysis of criminal risks in the framework of commercial transactions.
José was an attorney in the ad-hoc Prosecutor’s Office in the Fujimori-Montesinos case. He has been a professor at the Law School of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). He is a regular speaker at congresses and seminars on economic crime and anti-corruption.
He has published several articles in national and foreign publications specialized in economic criminal law and compliance. He is the author of four books: Tres estudios de dogmática penal: el error de tipo, el desistimiento voluntario de la tentativa y la teoría de la intervención delictiva (Three studies of criminal dogmatics: the type error, the voluntary withdrawal of the attempt and the theory of criminal intervention), (Jurista Editores, 2009), Formas de intervención en los delitos de tráfico de influencias y peculado (Forms of intervention in the crimes of influence peddling and embezzlement) (Jurista Editores, 2004), Derecho penal bursátil: el delito de abuso de información privilegiada (Criminal law on the stock market: the crime of abuse of privileged information) (Gráfica Horizonte, 2002), and Delitos de tráfico de influencias, asociación ilícita para delinquir y enriquecimiento ilícito (Offenses of influence peddling, conspiracy to commit crimes and illicit enrichment) (co-authored with César San Martín Castro and Dino Carlos Caro Coria. Jurista Editores, 2002).
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú – Lawyer (2001)
Universidad Pompeu Fabra – Doctorate Program in Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences, AECI scholarship (2004)
University of San Diego School of Law – Master of Laws (LL.M.) (2024)
Lima Bar Association