Constitutional Law
Constitutional Procedural Law
He counsels on the justification to solve legal problems of constitutional relevance, as well as on the design of procedural strategies for constitutional defense, in the judicial, administrative and arbitral fields.
Luis has been a university professor for more than 25 years in subjects related to constitutional law, constitutional procedural law and legal argument.
His teaching and research work is carried out at the Universidad de Piura, where he is a senior professor. He is also a professor at the Academia de la Magistratura and at the Universidad de La Sabana (Colombia). He has been a professor at the Universidad de La Coruña (Spain), Universidad Austral (Argentina) and Universidad Panamericana (Mexico).
Universidad de Piura – Lawyer (1996)
Universidad de La Coruña (Spain) – Doctor of Law (2003)
Piura Bar Association
Peruvian Association of Constitutional Law