Proinversion Calls for Comprehensive Project Tenders for the Award and Execution of two new Hospitals for ESSALUD in Piura and Chimbote
On October 20, 2021, the Private Investment Promotion Agency – Proinversion – called for two (2) Comprehensive Project Tenders for the granting of two (2) new ESSALUD hospital centers, located in Piura and Chimbote.
Both Projects, which have been structured under the co-financed Public-Private Partnership (PPP) modality, aim to reduce the specialized hospital infrastructure gap by providing health services with high quality standards and at reasonable costs for the families located in the area of influence of both hospitals.
The projects include the design, financing, construction, equipment, operation and maintenance of two specialized hospitals. They also include the provision of complementary services to provide care to the insured population of the departments of Ancash, Piura and Tumbes. However, the projects do not include the provision of medical services since this service is the exclusive responsibility of ESSALUD.
The estimated investment for the execution of the two (2) hospitals is estimated at S/.998 million approximately. The concession term for both projects is 20 years. During the first three (3) years the definitive engineering studies, construction and implementation of the equipment shall be developed, while the remaining 17 years shall be for operation and maintenance.
Since both projects are co-financed, ESSALUD shall assume 100% of the payment obligations through an Administration, Payment and Guarantee Matrix Trust. Payment shall be made from the beginning of the operation, through the Availability Payment Scheme.
Finally, the bidding conditions and other documents corresponding to the Projects are available at:
For further information, please contact Alejandro Manayalle ( and/or Veronica Sattler (
This communication has been prepared by the Public Services Regulation Area.