I. Exceptionally authorize the extraction, transfer and supply of shellfish resource for aquaculture purposes and adopt other provisions
By Ministerial Resolution Nº 00144-2021-PRODUCE, published in the Official Gazette «El Peruano» on May 21, 2021, exceptionally authorizes the extraction, transfer and supply for aquaculture purposes of 2.5 tons of specimens smaller than 65 mm in valvar height of the shellfish resource (Argopecten purpuratus), in the marine area where this resource is distributed, off the coast of the Constitutional Province of Callao and on the southeast side of San Lorenzo Island. The beginning of the activities of extraction, transfer and supply of the shellfish resource (Argopecten purpuratus) is subject to the communication referred to in literal b) of Article 5 of the Resolution and they conclude when the quota established in the preceding article is reached or, failing that, on May 31, 2021.
II. The Peruvian Sea Institute – IMARPE is authorized to carry out Operation Hake XXXI
By Ministerial Resolution Nº 00152-2021-PRODUCE, published in the Official Gazette «El Peruano» on May 29, 2021, authorizes the Peruvian Sea Institute – IMARPE, the execution of Operation Hake XXXII, from June 1 to June 4, 2021, in the maritime area between the northern end of the Peruvian maritime domain and Pimentel (07º00′ S), with the participation of four (4) fishery vessels and one (1) substitute vessel that have a valid fishery permit and operate under the Provisional Fishery Regime for Hake Resource (Merluccius gayi peruanus), established by Ministerial Resolution N° 188-2020-PRODUCE.
I. The draft «Sanitary Standard for the conservation, arrival time and storage of samples, counter-samples and settling samples» is published in the institutional portal
By Resolution of the Executive Presidency Nº 023-2021-SANIPES/PE, published in the Official Gazette «El Peruano» on May 4, 2021, the publication of the draft «Sanitary Standard for the conservation, arrival time and storage of samples, counter-samples and settling samples», in the Institutional Portal of the National Fisheries Health Agency – SANIPES (www. sanipes.gob.pe) and in the Single Digital Platform of the Peruvian State (www.peru.gob.pe), in order to receive opinions, comments and/or suggestions from citizens, for a period of twenty (20) calendar days from the day following the publication of the Resolution.
II. Adoption of the «Technical Sanitary Procedure for the elaboration of sanitary emergency plans for diseases affecting hydrobiological resources»
By Resolution of the Executive Presidency Nº 024-2021-SANIPES/PE, published in the Official Gazette «El Peruano» on May 5, 2021, the «Technical Sanitary Procedure for the elaboration of sanitary emergency plans for diseases affecting hydrobiological resources» is adopted, based on the grounds set forth in the considerations of the Resolution.
III. Supreme Decree Nº 002-2015-PRODUCE, which creates the Single Registry of Fishery Vessels that carry out Fishery Activities in the High Seas Zone, is amended
By Supreme Decree Nº 010-2021-PRODUCE, published in the Official Gazette «El Peruano» on May 12, 2021, paragraph a) of Article 2 and Article 7 of Supreme Decree Nº 002-2015-PRODUCE, which creates the Single Registry of Fishery Vessels that carry out Fishery Activities in the High Seas Zone, is amended in the following terms:
«Article 2.- Definitions.
For the purposes of the interpretation and application of this Supreme Decree and its complementary rules, the following definitions shall be taken into account:
(a) Fishery vessel: Any vessel used for carrying out fishery activities, including support vessels, vessels that process resources and any other vessel used for such activities.
«Article 7.- Satellite Tracking System
The fishery vessel registered in the Single Registry must have the Satellite Tracking System operational in accordance with the provisions established by the competent regional or subregional organizations or arrangements, without prejudice to the provisions of the corresponding national regulations.»
IV. The draft «Supreme Decree that adopts the Sanitary Standard that establishes sanitary criteria for hydrobiological resources and products and feed for aquaculture use», as well as its Explanatory Statements and Annexes, is published
Ministerial Resolution Nº 00138-2021-PRODUCE, published in the Official Gazette «El Peruano» on May 16, 2021, provides for the publication of the draft «Supreme Decree that adopts the Sanitary Standard that establishes sanitary criteria for hydrobiological resources and products and feed for aquaculture use», as well as its Explanatory Statements and Annexes, in the Institutional Portal of the Ministry of the Production (www. gob.pe/produce) and in the Institutional Portal of the National Fishery Health Agency (www.sanipes.gob.pe), for a period of thirty (30) calendar days, from the day following the aforementioned publication, in order to receive opinions, comments and/or suggestions from public and private entities and citizens in general.
V. The draft «Supreme Decree that adopts the Regulation of Fishery Management of the Perico Resource amends the Regulation of the General Fisheries Law, adopted by Supreme Decree Nº 012-2001-PE and the Table of the Regulation of Control and Sanction of Fishery and Aquaculture Activities, adopted by Supreme Decree Nº 017-2017-PRODUCE.» is published
By Ministerial Resolution Nº 00141-2021-PRODUCE, published in the Official Gazette «El Peruano» on May 17, 2021, provides for the publication of the draft «Supreme Decree that adopts the Regulation of Fishery Management of the Perico Resource amends the Regulation of the General Fisheries Law, adopted by Supreme Decree Nº 012-2001-PE and the Table of the Regulation of Control and Sanction of Fishery and Aquaculture Activities, adopted by Supreme Decree Nº 017-2017-PRODUCE», as well as its Statement of Motives, in the Institutional Portal of the Ministry of Production (www. gob.pe/produce), for a period of ten (10) calendar days, from the day following the aforementioned publication, for the purpose of receiving opinions, comments and/or suggestions from public and private entities and citizens in general.
VI. A term for the owners of the operation licenses of the processing plants to adapt and implement the corresponding weighing systems in compliance with the established technical requirements, and amend R.M. Nº 296-2020-PRODUCE, was established
By Ministerial Resolution Nº 00143-2021-PRODUCE, published in the Official Gazette «El Peruano» on May 21, 2021, the owners of the processing plants of fishery products for indirect human consumption of high protein content have until September 30, 2021 to complete the adequacy and implementation of the corresponding weighing instruments in compliance with the technical requirements established in Ministerial Resolution Nº 296-2020-PRODUCE, according to Annexes 1, 2 and 3, as appropriate, of said Ministerial Resolution.
VII. The draft «Supreme Decree that provides for the mandatory registration of information in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Traceability System (SITRAPESCA) and in the Georeferenced Fisheries and Aquaculture System (SIGPESCA) in order to guarantee the traceability of hydrobiological resources and products», its Annexes and Statement of Motives are published in the institutional portal
By Ministerial Resolution Nº 00146-2021-PRODUCE, published in the Official Gazette «El Peruano» on May 26, 2021, the draft «Supreme Decree that provides for the mandatory registration of information in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Traceability System (SITRAPESCA) and in the Georeferenced Fisheries and Aquaculture System (SIGPESCA) in order to guarantee the traceability of hydrobiological resources and products», its Annexes and Statement of Motives, were published in the Institutional Portal of the Ministry of Production (www. gob.pe/produce), for a period of fifteen (15) working days, starting on May 27, 2021, in order to receive opinions, comments and/or suggestions from public and private entities and citizens in general.
VIII. Adoption of the «Protocol for the classification of aquaculture production centers under risk-based sanitary control in the framework of process control».
By Resolution of the Executive Presidency Nº 029-2021-SANIPES/PE, published in the Official Gazette «El Peruano» on May 27, 2021, the «Protocol for the classification of aquaculture production centers under risk-based sanitary control in the framework of process control» was adopted based on the grounds set forth in the considerations of said Resolution.
IX. The draft «Ministerial Resolution adopting the Terms of Reference for the elaboration of the Environmental Management Instruments, corresponding to the Artisanal Fishery Landings, called: «Terms of Reference for the elaboration of the Environmental Impact Statement for Artisanal Fishery Landings (DIA-DPA)», «Terms of Reference for the elaboration of the Semi-Detailed Environmental Impact Study for Artisanal Fishery Landings (EIA-sd- DPA)» and «Terms of Reference for the elaboration of the Environmental Adequacy and Management Program for Artisanal Fishery Landings (PAMA-DPA)» is published
By Ministerial Resolution Nº 00151-2021-PRODUCE, published in the Official Gazette «El Peruano» on May 29, 2021, the draft «Ministerial Resolution adopting the Terms of Reference for the elaboration of the Environmental Management Instruments, corresponding to Artisanal Fishery Landings, called: «Terms of Reference for the elaboration of the Environmental Impact Statement for Artisanal Fishery Landings (DIA-DPA), «Terms of Reference for the elaboration of the Semi-Detailed Environmental Impact Study for Artisanal Fishery Landings (EIA-sd- DPA)» and «Terms of Reference for the elaboration of the Environmental Adequacy and Management Program for Artisanal Fishery Landings (PAMA-DPA)», which as Annexes 1, 2 and 3, respectively, are an integral part of said normative draft in the Institutional Portal of the Ministry of Production (www. gob.pe/produce), was published on the same day of the publication of this Ministerial Resolution in the Official Gazette El Peruano, for a period of ten (10) working days, from the day following the aforementioned publication, for the purpose of receiving opinions, comments and/or suggestions from public and private entities and the general public.
I. A representative of the Ministry of Production before the Board of Directors of the Compensation Fund for Fisheries Management (FONCOPES) was appointed
By Ministerial Resolution Nº 00137-2021-PRODUCE, published in the Official Gazette «El Peruano» on May 15, 2021, Ms. Rosa Francisca Zavala Correa, General Director of the General Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture Environmental Affairs, was appointed, with effect from May 19, 2021, as a representative of the Ministry of Production before the Board of Directors of the Compensation Fund for Fisheries Management (FONCOPES).
II. Project Execution Coordinator of the General Directorate of Artisanal Fishery and Aquaculture Investment of FONDEPES was appointed
By Executive Resolution Nº 033-2021-FONDEPES/J, published in the Official Gazette «El Peruano» on May 28, 2021, Mr. Luis Enrique Tasayco Lévano was appointed as Project Execution Coordinator of the General Directorate of Artisanal Fishery and Aquaculture Investment of the National Fund for Fishery Development – FONDEPES.