Medical Cannabis Alert – December 2019


Guidelines for Medical Cannabis Agricultural Production Plan

The authorization of the Agricultural Production Plan issued by the General Division of Agriculture (DGA) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI) is a requirement for medical Cannabis agricultural production licensing that laboratories authorized by General Medicine, Input and Drug Administration (DIGEMID) must obtained.

Pursuant to Ministerial Order No. 0499-2019-MINSAGRI published on MINAGRI website, it is set forth to approve the Guidelines for Agricultural Production Plan that includes sowing, cultivation and harvesting of Cannabis for medical and therapeutic purposes.

The authorization request procedure shall be submitted to DGA and within 15 business days the Directors’ Resolution authorizing or not the Agricultural Production Plan is issued.

The Agricultural Production Plan describes the requesting party’s activities and responsibilities during the cultivation stage and procedures to be implemented in facilities, such as:

  • Estimated quantity of botanical seeds, plant cuttings or seedlings of Cannabis sativa. The provenance and origin of said propagation materials and technical specifications of materials, inputs and structures to be used for production and harvesting
  • Cannabis cultivation area in square meters, indicating planting density and conduction system
  • Description of the production area including main characteristics, infrastructure, type of irrigation and technology to be used, type of soil, water quality, etc.
  • Facilities to be implemented in the property including administrative offices, infrastructure, warehousing areas, etc.
  • Production process development
  • Work schedule expressed in a Gantt chart including every cultivation action
  • Indication, traceability and records
  • Internal plan validation as per signatures of the cultivation technician in charge and legal representative of the entities subject to these regulations.

In addition, the requesting party must submit a notarized copy of the Security Protocol authorized by Peruvian Police Force Anti-Drug Division (DIRANDRO), as well as a detailed filing record of the certificate of ownership of agricultural land property issued by the pertinent authority.